Warning: Graphic Murder Victim Imagery •

Warning: Graphic Murder Victim Imagery •

Get Justice

What has been done? How can YOU help?

What’s been done

In 2022, the Senate Judiciary Committee issued a letter to Mayor Bowser demanding preservation of evidence. Since then, the city of DC has stonewalled progress to justice. The remains of The Five cannot be released and given a dignified burial until they are autopsied.

Ted Cruz letter
senate judiciary letter

What YOU can do

1) Publicly declare support for a national abortion ban at viability and the Born-Alive Survivors Act.

2) Contact your congressional representatives and request a congressional hearing for The DC Five.

3) Demand that the DC Board of Medicine revoke Santangelo’s license to dispense medication.

arrests at Jfor5 Vigil

4) Help us find a private pathologist willing to do the autopsies on The Five. Or if you ARE that person, contact us ASAP!

Jfor5 vigil arrests

5) Call for repeal of the FACE Act. Participate in nonviolent direct action to close later abortion clinics.

6) Spread awareness of what happened to The Five and educate your loved ones about the reality of later abortion in the USA.

7) Support the activists working full time to get justice for The Five with a financial donation to cover their costs of living.

Thank you :)



In Memory