Warning: Graphic Murder Victim Imagery •
Warning: Graphic Murder Victim Imagery •
The Story
The DC 5 are in the custody of DCPD, who refused to investigate despite indication of infanticide, and so are being held at the office of the DC Medical Examiner indefinitely.
On March 25, 2022, Terrisa Bukovinac and Lauren Handy intended to go sidewalk counseling at Planned Parenthood, until they realized that it was closed for the day. They decided instead to perform a pink rose opportunity rescue at Washington Surgi Center, where they had rescued and saved a baby from later abortion in December of 2021.
When they arrived, a truck for Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services was parked out front of the building. A worker was loading boxes of biohazard material onto the truck labeled "Washington Surgi Center". Terrisa asked him if he knew what was in the boxes. He said no. Terrisa made an assumption and told him, "dead babies".
The worker looked horrified and deeply troubled. Sensing this, Terrisa asked him, "Would you get in trouble if you gave us one of those boxes?" The worker indicated that he had already scanned the box into the system, then asked, "what would you do with it?" Lauren responded without hesitation, "a funeral and a burial." And the worker said okay. Lauren and Terrisa then ran away from the brave whistleblower with the box.
Panicked, and with little clue of where to go or what to do next, they called a friend for help transporting the box back to the apartment Lauren was renting. She placed the box in her fridge to preserve any possible remains while they frantically called several trusted activists. A few of them had prior experience of recovering fetal remains and offered assistance. They also contacted a Catholic deacon for guidance in proper treatment of remains.
The activists and deacon then gathered as a small group to open the box together. Inside they found the remains of 110 first-trimester fetuses, and to their horror, 5 second and third-trimester premature infants. They named all of the children. They contacted a priest who agreed to perform a funeral for unbaptized children, and then he took the 110 first-trimester babies to be buried in a private cemetery.
Because of their apparent size, development, wounds, and lack thereof, it appeared 3 of the 5 nearly full-term babies were born alive and killed. This being a potential violation of federal law, Terrisa and Lauren asked their lawyer to send a letter to the police, requesting that the remains be picked up and investigated.
Their suspicions were supported by Santangelo’s statement, caught on footage in a 2013 undercover investigation, that he does not administer chemical feticide, as is typical prior to later abortion procedures. He stated that he instead performs umbilical cord transection, which drastically increases the risk that live birth will occur, and he also indicated willingness to commit infanticide when preemies survive failed abortions.
The DC Metropolitan Police arrived at the apartment to pick up the remains as arranged, and Terrisa let them in. When the police left the apartment, Terrisa walked over to SCOTUS. The fetal remains were in Terrisa and Lauren’s care for no longer than 5 days.
That same day, in an obvious attempt to cover up these murders, the FBI arrested Lauren Handy under a warrant from a rescue she allegedly participated in at Washington Surgi in 2020. Special Agent Michael Biscardi is the lead of her case.