Behind Bars: Update from the Rescuers

This past Saturday, PAAU organized a “Jail Support Jamboree” outside the Alexandria Detention Center, the facility where 5 pro-life Rescuers are currently being held pending sentencing for their conviction of conspiring to violate the FACE Act. While we stood outside the jail, we received a phone call from Rescuer John Hinshaw, one of the 5 currently being held in jail. We were excited to hear him say he could hear and see us from inside the jail! Our joyful music and loud chanting made its way behind the bars to our loved ones. John along with Rescuer Will Goodman were able to give us statements over the phone. Please take a moment to read those statements below, along with a statement from Lauren Handy, another Rescuer currently in solitary confinement in the same facility.

-Caroline Smith, Executive Director

Statement from John Hinshaw:

“What I say about Rescue is it has always been the most physiologically appropriate response to what is happening. Because its a human response, and its a direct response to the actual killing of little babies. Its always been the proper response. And thats why when we Rescue, we’re at peace, because we know that that’s where we’re supposed to be. Where the babies are being sacrificed is where we should be. And that’s my message for Rescue. This is the sort of nonsense that you have to put up with, but we will persevere, and as I said this is a time of preparation for the hard tasks that are still ahead.” - John Hinshaw from inside the Alexandria Adult Detention Center

“Where the babies are being sacrificed is where we should be.” -John Hinshaw

Statement from Will Goodman

“As the government enters a new phase of persecution against those engaged in non-violent direct action, it’s time for pro-lifers to be recommited to the importance of non-violence and the importance of Rescue. And we are called to Rescue, not based on whether or not the government thinks its right, but based on whether or not the victims who are in need would consider this intervention an act of love and justice on their behalf.” - William Goodman from inside the Alexandria Adult Detention Center

“And we are called to Rescue… based on whether or not the victims who are in need would consider this intervention an act of love and justice on their behalf.” - Will Goodman

Statement from Lauren Handy:

“The Rescue community is strong and resilient. We are like the dandelions growing through the cracks of concrete. Some call us weeds, but the few that count know that us dandelions are medicinal for the movement. We dare to grow out of the apathy and put life into what it means to sacrifice for pre-born justice. Liberation for all! Now!” - Lauren Handy from solitary confinement at the Alexandria Adult Detention Center

Photography by Mark Story


Part One: It’s ok to be scared. (I am too).


Behind Bars: An Update from Jail