Introducing: Constance Becker, PAAU Executive Coordinator

Did you know that PAAU has a NEW Executive Coordinator? I know that title sounds a little formal to have anything to do with the vibrant activism of PAAU, however I swear it’s real. And guess who it is? Me. You're reading the first blog post from PAAU’s new Executive Coordinator. I was recently hired to do activism full time for PAAU. I'm excited to be taking on my new position and am fully invested in upholding PAAU's values of equality, non-violence, and non-discrimination

Here’s a little introduction. I'm a human rights activist and doula. I started my activism by founding and serving as the president of my high school’s Students For Life chapter. It was hard, as I had to endure threats, blackmailing, doxxing and stalking. But it built me into the person I am today, unapologetically able to stand for life. I later became the Social Media/Youth Coordinator for my local Right To Life Chapter, which helped me build the administrative and social media skills necessary for my new role at PAAU. Over the course of my activism I’ve been featured in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Christian Post and on the YouTube channel Jubilee. 

Rapid fun facts about me: I know a little Chinese, my favorite movie is a Bollywood film called Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, and I LOVE fermented foods! I reside in Akron, OH with my husband, 3 ferrets and (unborn) child. 

I make sure to occupy space as a black & Indigenous woman and abuse survivor. I strongly advocate for large-scale maternal and reproductive justice, particularly for women of color. My wish is for the further decolonization, and uprooting of the systems plaguing my community's people. These systems are so bad that they have impacted those of us who are not yet even born. (I know, it’s wild!)

What excited me about PAAU? Why did I get involved? What’s special about them? When I first encountered PAAU, I saw them doing activism that no other organization I had ever encountered was. The idea of non-violent direct action, putting my body between the oppressed and the oppressor, fascinated me because it made so MUCH sense. I couldn’t unsee it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. The passion and drive I saw in PAAU was— and still is—unmatched. If abortion is murder, we need to act like it. PAAU takes that seriously. Something that also drew me to PAAU was the inclusivity, of all people, sexualities, shapes and religious persuasions. It was a breath of fresh air in the pro life community. Lastly, PAAU is community oriented. We’re not focused on getting a certain candidate elected or completely reliant on any political party. We don’t just want to end abortion, we want to see better communities, and we realize that is work only WE as individuals can do. Our communities are our responsibility. Our neighbor is our responsibility. We protect us. That’s why I’m proud to call myself a member of PAAU.

Interested in supporting Constance? Click here:


Caroline Taylor Smith, new interim Executive Director of PAAU


Incident at first #ReproShareFair