STAFF ANNOUNCEMENT: Kristin Turner, Director of Community Organizing
3 years ago, I didn’t understand the landscape of the Abortion Wars, I had no experience as an organizer, and I had never lived anywhere outside of my hometown. Despite that, I was led by passion and an unbridled sense of justice to upturn my life and join the pro-life movement full time as an organizer at the age of 19.
Like many people, I felt stuck in the unbearable grind of everyday life and the expectations and limitations that come with it. So when the opportunity arose to move to San Francisco and shape the world I wanted to see with no limits or boundaries, I took it as fast as I could. The summer of 2021 I packed my life up in my Prius, drove through the night to my new life, and never looked back.
My first protest I brought Pro-Life signs to my local Women’s March January 2020
I knew this work was important, but I had no idea that my commitment to join the movement full time would have a domino effect that would help resurrect the anti-abortion rescue movement. Terrisa Bukovinac, founder of Pro-life San Francisco (PLSF) saw the direction our federal government was going and knew she needed to move to DC to start a national progressive anti-abortion organization. After founding PLSF and organizing for so many years, she needed a predecessor so she could start that national organization.
Pro-Life SF Going away party for Terrisa, welcoming me.
That Fall we launched the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising in Washington, DC.
Me speaking at the PAAU launch October 2021
From the moment PAAU was conceived, I was captivated once again with the possibilities. I knew that any reality I could imagine, a world beyond Roe, beyond the FACE act, and beyond abortion was possible. I took every opportunity I could to work with PAAU. Traveling the country to protests, working from the other coast, and recruiting whoever I could. I was directing PLSF and still making an impact as a Director at PAAU whenever I could
PLSF was the perfect opportunity to hone in on the skills I needed to grow as an organizer. While I always knew I was going to join PAAU full time eventually, my investment in PLSF was deeply personal, because California is my home. These babies were being killed where I was lucky enough to grow up.
That’s why I couldn’t trust anyone with the role of taking over PLSF except Melanie Salazar, a strong and dedicated activist from Texas who was willing to move to California to accept this role. I am incredibly proud to announce that Melanie will be taking over PLSF as Executive Director. I am confident in her ability to use her unique skills to save children in San Francisco. With Melanie taking on this role, I have confidence that even in my work with PAAU, SF children will still get a chance to live, and have someone fight for them.
Now here we are 2 years after I packed up and moved to San Francisco, I have moved to DC, and I am joining PAAU full time as the Director of Community Organizing.
My first year organizing with Pro-Life SF I was mainly focussed on local activism only, but the second year I took these stills I had learned from PAAU and PLSF to train activists in states all around the country. My full-time role with PAAU will be developing and expanding on these skills even further. Forming PAAU affinity groups to teach young activists all across the US how to mobilize against the abortion industrial complex and save babies.
If you’ve seen my work at all, you have also seen the music I have produced. This form of victim imagery is vital to our cause. It pulls joy out of people where only fear and futility existed before. Being full-time with PAAU also means I have the time to release a full album of all of these songs, and many more you haven’t had the chance to hear yet.
Last but not least, my third project with PAAU is launching a first-of-its-kind rescue podcast! It will the premiere source for keeping up with the rescue movement, give you an inside look into the rescue movement, include vital calls to action, and there will be interactive segments for the audience!
Our activists are putting their freedom on the line to challenge the FACE act, and the work of PLSF and PAAU is now being used to pave the way for the mainstream resurgence of the Rescue movement. That’s what all of this change is for. Caroline is interim Executive Director of PAAU, I have moved to DC, and Melanie is moving to SF all in pursuit of justice for these victims. All of this change is scary, but what’s even scarier is staying the same and watching the unborn be mercilessly murdered. Can we lose a friend to save a child? Will we align our actions with our principles, and put our bodies between these children and their killers? I know I’m willing, but I need your help.
If you feel compelled to support our mission by joining my support raising team or making a one time donation, please click here. Or if you are willing to buy one of the supplies for the projects I will being working on, you can donate to this wishlist.
Without your support this work is impossible.
I joined the anti-abortion movement because children are dying.
I joined PAAU because we have the tools to stop it.
With Radical Optimism
Kristin Turner
Director of Community Organizing