Congress Demands Autopsies For “The Five”

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, PAAU Director of Activism, Lauren Handy and I hosted a press conference in Washington D.C. to set the record straight regarding our recent discovery of five late-term aborted babies from the Washington Surgi-Center. This has led to a letter authored by more than 20 members of congress to the D.C. Mayor and Police demanding a full investigation of the deaths of these babies. Read the letter here.

At the conference we revealed that on March 25th, the Day of the Unborn Child, Lauren and I were given a box from a medical waste company employee containing a total of 115 unborn children. The 110 mostly first trimester babies have since been buried by a priest in a private cemetery and we are actively working to ensure the remaining 5 are released to a funeral home for a proper burial. There is so much to this incredible story and it is receiving a ton of national attention from major mainstream outlets such as the Washington Post, New York Times, and even Rolling Stone. To our knowledge this is the first time any pro-life activists have been willingly given a box of abortion victims.

Although Lauren and I surrendered the five largest babies to the DC medical examiner, we are demanding that the DOJ investigate Cesare Santangelo, the Washington Surgi abortionist who committed these abortions and prosecute him for observable violations of the Partial Birth Abortion Act and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

We plan to post and share more video and images in the coming days. In the meantime I highly recommend viewing our press conference live stream recorded yesterday here:

Thank you to all of our supporters who continue to make this groundbreaking work possible.

For Life, Peace, and Justice
Terrisa Bukovinac
Founder and Executive Director
Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising


Pro-Life Activists Rally At DC Mayor’s Office, Congress Demands Autopsy


Remains of Five Aborted Late Term Fetuses Given to D.C. Police for Investigation; 9 pro-life activists arrested by FBI in connected case.