PAAU Alcohol and Recreational Drug Use Policy
Our employees’ and volunteers’ health and well-being are important to us. Harmful alcohol consumption and recreational drug use can create an environment that compromises the safety of employees, volunteers, and event participants. For this reason, PAAU has created general guidelines to implement reasonable boundaries and clear expectations around the use of these substances within PAAU spaces and events.
Acknowledging Harmful Substance Use in Movement Work:
PAAU's work in youth-led and culturally diverse organizing spaces situates us into the lived realities of marginalized and vulnerable people groups. Trying to navigate movement work and individual acts of harm as well as structural oppression can result in activists addressing their trauma responses through harmful alcohol consumption and taking recreational drugs at inappropriate times. With this acknowledged, we will strive to view each other through the "green lens" if we see harmful substance use behaviors taking place in PAAU spaces and events. This commitment will create the foundation for direct communication on steps needed to maintain our policy's aims. No one will be discriminated against for needing to take the time and space to address any problems. You may talk to the Executive Director or President and refer to our time off policy for a leave of absence.
Harmful Alcohol Consumption refers to the number of alcoholic beverages a person consumes that causes impaired behavior and drunkenness
Recreational Drug Use refers to taking substances for non-medical reasons
This policy aims to:
Create an organizing environment that affirms and protects the safety of all participants in PAAU spaces and events with a focus on safety toward minors and young adults
Work towards equity among members through challenging oppressive behavior that demeans or marginalizes a person based on age and/or the decision to use or not use alcohol or recreational drugs
Encourage and foster a diversity of spaces to serve a diversity of needs
Underlining Policies and Frameworks:
"We must integrate child protection into all aspects of our organizational strategy, structures, and work practices." --PAAU's Child Protection Policy
"No staff will give or buy alcohol or recreational drugs to/for a minor." -- PAAU Staff Handbook
"Clear violations of these policies could result in the removal of PAAU activities up to and including termination of employment." -- PAAU's Conflict Transformation Practices regarding No Tolerance Behaviors
"Irresolvable conflicts may lead to someone leaving the organization or a systemic/structural change to the group." -- PAAU's Conflict Transformation Framework
General Guidelines:
PAAU prohibits possession and consumption of recreational drugs and alcoholic beverages while responsible for underage activists and while representing the organization in an official manner
Exceptions to this policy against the consumption of alcoholic beverages may be made for small quantities of such beverages reasonable under the circumstances, usually wine or beer, which may be available at events sponsored by other organizations, at gatherings located at restaurants, or in similar situations. At such parties and events, all personnel are expected to exercise good judgment and moderation.
PAAU prohibits possession and consumption of recreational drugs and alcoholic beverages before and during high-risk protests and direct action events where people risk arrest
In no situation may any underage individual consume alcohol or take recreational drugs within PAAU spaces or events
At PAAU-sponsored events, alcohol-free beverages should always be available
At PAAU-sponsored events, alcohol should never be left available for consumption to anyone in attendance
We will make reasonable accommodations for people who request sober or alcohol-free events
Alcoholic beverages may not be purchased with PAAU money, with the following exceptions:
Donor meals and networking in public spaces, such as taking a donor out for dinner and purchasing a glass of wine along with the meal
Alcoholic beverages that belong personally to staff members living or staying at the Activist House must be stored in a locked cabinet
Underage staff, volunteers, or interns living at the Activist House for any period longer than 2 weeks must read and sign a housing agreement that prohibits the use of alcohol and drugs while inside the Activist House
Accountability and Consequences
Any conflict transformation needed will follow the steps outlined in PAAU’s Conflict Transformation Guidelines and Practices.
In the case of a No Tolerance Policy being violated, could result in the removal of PAAU activities up to and including termination of employment, as outlined in the PAAU Staff Handbook
If a person is found to have taken recreational drugs or consumed alcoholic beverages before or during a high-risk protest or a direct action involving risking arrest, they will be asked to leave the area and leadership will determine if the protest or action is safe to continue. If the safety of all participants can not be guaranteed then the protest or action will be halted in the safest way deemed possible.
Further reading and learning:]